
The Importance of Voice Search in Digital Marketing

The use of voice search is on the rise today. Customers find voice searches easier than typing complicated terms and phrases in the search bar. If research is to be believed, then half of all the Google searches will be made through voice search in 2020. The massive adoption of voice search is also expected Read more about The Importance of Voice Search in Digital Marketing[…]

Impact of Machine Learning on Marketing

Gone are the days when marketing was limited to advertising. Today, marketing success is based on multiple factors such as branding strategy, informative and quality content that draws the attention of your target audience, behavioral economics, and so on. Marketing never fails to adapt to the latest technology. Today, visual content is becoming more powerful Read more about Impact of Machine Learning on Marketing[…]

Small business image

Usefulness of Digital Marketing for SMEs and MSMEs

When small companies commence their startup, their strategies are mainly focused on drawing the interest of customers towards their brand. They often depend on conventional ways of promoting their products (in the form of prints, coupons, billboards, etc.,) in a hope that their specific brand will reach out to the target audience. I don’t think Read more about Usefulness of Digital Marketing for SMEs and MSMEs[…]